The Benefits of Custom Swimming Pools
Custom swimming pools are an excellent investment because they reap great rewards for both the value of your home and property, as well as for the health and happiness of your family. While the first thing that pops into your head is probably the fun factor, there are numerous other reasons why you should consider having one in your own backyard. While a pool offers many hours of amusement right in your backyard, it also increases your home’s value, and, allows you to enjoy the impressive health benefits of regular swimming. If you’d like a beautiful swimming pool to be installed in your backyard, Dorian Construction can help!
Custom Swimming Pools and Your Health
You do not need to know how to swim to get a good workout in a custom swimming pool. By walking in the pool, you can get a great, low-impact form of aquatic exercise. Better yet, almost anyone can do it. Furthermore, being immersed in water provides extra resistance for your muscles while it also protects your joints and bones. These benefits, along with the fun factor, make it more likely that you will stick to your routine and workout with more regularity.
Get a Better Sleep
Custom swimming pools also improve your sleep. This is because swimming, walking, or just goofing off in the pool causes physical fatigue in a number of ways. This, in turn, allows you to fall asleep faster and have a deeper sleep. Additionally, just being in the pool can cause fatigue because the cool water lowers your body temperature. This forces you to expend energy in order to balance things out.
While it is true that it is cheaper to go to the waterpark or local municipal pool, in a recent study the CDC found that 58 percent of public pools contained fecal matter. While a few trips to the public pool will not kill anyone, by owning your own custom swimming pool, you control the cleanliness. Additionally, there will also be fewer people using the pool and turning into a breeding ground for germs.
Custom Swimming Pools and Your Mental Health
Water is an effective natural stress reliever. That may be why people who live near water seem a lot more laid back than everyone else. When you are floating weightlessly in the water or on a float, it is a comforting, almost womb-like experience that seems to make anxiety disappear. In addition, the soothing sound of the water offers the perfect setting for quiet meditation. Therefore, it is best to enhance the effect by building your pool close to the house.
Custom Swimming Pools and Your Social Life
Custom swimming pools are social magnets. They give friends and neighbors a reason to come over and you an excuse to host a party once in awhile. While in a perfect world, people would not need an excuse to spend time together, a custom swimming pool provides that little bit of extra motivation to take a break from the routine and spend time with others.
Choose Dorian Construction, Today!
If you are in the El Paso area and are interested in a custom swimming pool, contact the Dorian Construction Group. They have been delivering high-quality custom pool creations for decades.