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The Shape of Dreams: Laguna Pools, Ponds, and Backyard Gardens

In a recent issue of Texas Builder magazine, the Dorian Construction Group explains a little bit about who we are and the process of building. When we first sign on to a project, we go on an imaginative quest to find the best possible design for the space at hand. We will either draw and design it on paper, render it on computers, and even hand carve some of the rocks ourselves, we relish in the creative process of space transformation.

The Effects of Physical Spaces on Our Health and Wellbeing

Science has now proven that the architecture that surrounds us affects mood and well-being. This, of course, is not a great surprise to anyone. In some fundamental way, its why architecture exists. Famous early architects like Francis Lloyd Wright understood that the spaces that we inhabit will have an impact on our lives, and its why he designed spaces with natural concepts and functionality in mind. The same applies to our outside spaces. We dont often think about it this way, however. People that work in the design are not often seen as people that hold our health in their hands. And yet, according to the American Institute of Architects, there are six ways that architecture affects our health, safety, and welfare.

  1. Environmental quality
  2. Natural systems
  3. Physical activity
  4. Safety
  5. Sensory environments
  6. Social connectedness

And while here at Dorian Construction Group, we are not necessarily building your home or your office, we are also contributing to a big part of a space that you interact with often. Turning your backyard into a paradise with beautiful creations and functional designs will have an impact on the way you interact with your own property on any given day. Whether its adding a little landscape or adding a pond, waterfall, or laguna pool, having a space that evokes beauty, nature, and peace, is about improving lives.

For the Dorian Construction family, we know that beautiful space creations will enhance your life and make your time outdoors special.

Laguna Pools A Touch of Paradise a Few Steps Away

“Laguna” is the Spanish word for lagoon, and it refers to a body of water that is cut off from a larger body of water by a reef of sand or coral. Lagoons found in nature tend to be surrounded by incredible landscapes, trees, islands, coral reefs, and everything else. Part of our design process when concocting your backyard paradise is how we can bring nature and the natural world to the design. At the same time, we focus on what you want your space to look and feel like. There are several elements that we build on when it comes to the design. These are the following:

Ponds and Backyard Gardens Evoking Nature and Peaceful Surroundings

Where a natural pond exists, nature reigns. And the creation of ponds in your backyard is a way to bring in the natural settings into your home. Ponds contain a variety of plants and the water attracts wildlife and animals, such as frogs, salamanders, and insects. So when looking to add a pond to your backyard, we consider a couple of foundational design questions. These include:

Transform Your Backyard Into a Beautiful Creation With Dorian Construction

Youre looking to make your home a place that inspires and enhances your life. One way to do that is to evoke the natural world and welcome it into your home. Here at Dorian Construction, we strive for gorgeous designs that bring your property to life. Call us and change the way you live, entertain, and relax.


Tips For Your Spa or Pool In The Fall

Beautiful Luxury Home with Swimming Pool at Sunset

With the fall right around the corner, we thought it would be a great idea to talk about maintenance in the fall. Especially in El Paso, the early fall season can be a great time to enjoy the spa or pool, since the temperatures drop from extreme heat to warm and comfortable. In this article, well briefly discuss how to maintain your spa or pool in the upcoming season.

Keeping a Clean Pool or Spa

In the fall, people often decide to neglect the maintenance of their pool. Cleaning your pool filter should happen regularly, so the normal debris and chemicals that fall into the pool are properly filtered out. Having the proper equipment, like skimmers and pool rakes helps drag debris out of the water efficiently.

Chlorine Levels

Chlorine levels should be monitored regularly, along with the cleanliness of the pool. The levels of chlorine depend on other products being applied to your pool, the usage, size of the pool, and other factors. We can guide you based on all the factors unique to your spa or pool.

pH Balance

The pH balance of your pool is important for determining the safety of your pool. Be sure to have a quality pH monitoring kit to regularly check the chlorine levels. Pools should generally be slightly higher than 7 on the pH level, around 7.2 to 7.4.

Enjoying Your Fall With Dorian Construction

The fall season in El Paso is a wonderful time, especially with a luxury spa or pool. Contact us today if you have questions or would like a quality spa or pool of your own!

Why We’re Such Fans of Spools

a woman relaxing in spoolsWhat is better than relaxing by your pool/spa combo at the end of the day? It’s a trick question! We can’t really think of anything that’s better than that scenario, except maybe chocolate, of course. Or relaxing by your pool/spa combo with chocolate. Yes, that’s the dream. But what is a pool-spa combo? And why is it the most relaxing backyard water feature offered in El Paso? Dorian Construction has been bringing these incredible hybrid installations to homes all over El Paso. Keep reading to learn more about our favorite – the “spool.” 

What are Spools?  

At Dorian Construction Group, we love providing El Paso residents with personalized water features that make their backyards feel like an oasis in the midst of a desert. One of our favorite personalized water features is the “spool”. Much a like it sounds, a spool is a pool-spa combo that offers the luxury power of jets spas while also operating as a regular swimming pool. They are low maintenance, weather proof, and perfect for homeowners with small backyard spaces. Basically, spools are a little piece of heaven in your backyard!

Customizable Luxury

If you have been tossing back and forth between a hot tub and a pool, a spool is the best of both worlds. While it looks like a pool, it comes with integrated spa features (heated jets throughout) that allow you to swim laps in the morning and relax by the jets at night. Your spool will be designed to fit your backyard and your personal preferences, so the sky is (almost) the limit when it comes to customization.

Swim Outside of the Box

You may be surprised to hear that many people haven’t heard of spools. Pools are a far more common option, and other homeowners simply opt for jacuzzis. Spools are a new, creative invention that was the result of thinking “outside the box,” and they are still in the cutting-edge-technology category. If you desire a unique backyard that will stand out from the rest and impress your guests, the spa-pool combo is a great option. And if you want to be ahead of the curve by installing the latest backyard water getaway, we can help you make it happen!

An Affordable Oasis

Are you daydreaming yet? Can you picture yourself by your pool/spa combo, soaking up the sunshine and eating that delicious chocolate we mentioned? It may seem like a distant dream, but your luxurious, backyard oasis is not far out of reach. With summer just around the corner, we are gearing up to work with countless clients on water installation projects. If you live in the El Paso area and want to learn more about Dorian Construction Group’s pool, jacuzzi, and spool projects, we are happy to share more details with you. Your affordable oasis awaits!

Experience the Benefits of Hydrotherapy with Spools

woman sitting within a spool in her backyardHow much do you know about hydrotherapy? For centuries, water has been used to treat a variety of ailments and promote general health and well being. Because water is incredibly versatile and can come in many different forms (ice, steam, hot water, etc.), there are many types of hydrotherapy. That means that pools, hot tubs, and spools all have certain therapeutic benefits! The best type of hydrotherapy varies from individual to individual, so it is important to do research to discover the best type of water therapy for your particular health profile. If you’d like to have a spool installed in your backyard, Dorian Construction can help!

Cold Water Therapy

Cold water contains more oxygen than hot water, so it is known for its alkalizing properties. It stimulates blood flow away from the exposed area, providing an invigorating jolt for skin and muscles. Cold water is also well recognized for its beautifying effect. Cold showers are known to tighten cuticles and pores and increase moisture and shine in hair.

Hot Water Therapy

Hot water, conversely, relaxes muscles and eliminates lactic acid build up through the promotion of blood flow to the exposed area. Accordingly, hot water therapy is helpful in relieve sore muscles and reducing stress.

Contrast Hydrotherapy

Contrast hydrotherapy is a method of alternating between very hot and very cold water. Basically imagine going back and forth from a hot spring to a cold river. Blood vessels expand and fill with blood during the hot water treatment, and blood vessels constrict and send blood to the internal organs during the cold water treatment. This can be done is a shower by turning the water back and forth from hot to cold every few minutes. While this may seem like an extremely uncomfortable form of treatment, it is quite refreshing and rejuvenating.

Spools and Mild Contrast Hydrotherapy

If you aren’t too thrilled about the idea of going back and forth from a hot bath to an ice bath, there is a more moderate option. Spools are a unique pool and spa hybrid that offer the benefits of hot and cold water at once. Users can swim in normal pool temperatures for awhile and then sit by one of the heated jets located throughout the pool. This is not nearly as extreme of a transition as normal contrast hydrotherapy. It still provides many health benefits associated with water therapy.

Backyard Hydrotherapy

For pool, spa, and spool owners, hydrotherapy is accessible in their own backyards! At Dorian Construction Group, we believe strongly in the power of water to promote health, energy, and wellness. We love to provide our customers with the tools they need to be healthy and happy. Consider investing in your health with personalized, backyard water therapy. Your body will thank you!


What are Spools and Why Do You Need One?

Photo of woman's legs in clear blue water and her hand holding a flower. Spools are small pools which are usually combined with spas. They are an ideal solution for outside spaces. They allow the convenience of having both a pool and a spa. Additionally, you do not want to spend a fortune or have a lot of space. Spools can be both beautiful and functional for El Paso homeowners. This is especially true when you have a custom spool put in by the professionals at Dorian Construction.

What are Spools?

Spools are small water features in backyards that generally incorporate both a pool and a spa. During the colder months, you can turn up the heat and turn on the jets. Your spool becomes a wonderful spa for you and your family to relax in. When it gets warm in El Paso, on the other hand, you can enjoy being in your spool to take a refreshing and relaxing swim and cool off.

Why Do You Need a Spool?

You should strongly consider spools if you have limited space in your backyard in El Paso and you want the benefit of having a pool and a spa despite your space constraints. Pools and spas can both take up a lot of room, so some homeowners end up giving up their dream to have this relaxing water. Spools, which usually measure around 10 to 16 feet long and six to eight feet wide or thereabouts, can give you the chance to have a pool and spa even in a small space.

How Can Dorian Construction Help?

Dorian Construction has a long history of installing beautiful spools. Homeowners throughout El Paso trust us because we are skilled pool professionals who do custom work. You can design exactly the spool you want and we will make sure that your small pool and spa is more beautiful than you imagined. To learn more, contact us today!